Prison and Recovery

Prison and Recovery

The Bridge Ministry

Our goal is to be a bridge that brings spiritual change and freedom through the message of love, hope, and forgiveness found only in Christ; and to restore the lives of those scorned, forgotten, neglected, and rejected by society. Whether substance abuse, addictions, or imprisonment we are here to assist those in need by visiting jails, prisons, and rehabilitation centers presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ and guidelines for living a Christina life. We focus on changing lives through evangelism and sound Bible teaching. We endeavor to help restore individuals one to one, thereby make a positive contribution to our jail system, rehabilitation centers and our community.

When people are transformed by the Word of God, it brings about change in the way they think. When you change or turn from something, there must be something in place to turn to. Our goal is to present the gospel in such a practical way that it becomes the choice to turn to. The Word of God tells us to be new in the attitude of our minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:22-24).

We understand when one life is changed for the better a family is affected for the better.

If you are in need of support or you want to volunteer see a team member.